Welcome Neighbor

As an established business in Summit, New Jersey, for more than 35 years, Lois Schneider Realtor has witnessed many comings and goings in our business community. We’ve seen old business go and new business spring up; and on Tuesday, January 25th, we have the opportunity to extend a hand of welcome to Summit’s newest neighbor, housed in one of our oldest landmarks.

The Grand Summit Hotel, a Summit mainstay for over 140 years, will be opening a new restaurant, HAT Tavern, in the space previously occupied by The Hunt Club Restaurant. The menu at HAT Tavern is a collaboration between South Florida Celebrity Chef Tony Sindaco and Charles Burke, the award-winning Executive Chef of the hotel, and will focus on burgers, tapas, and ales.

Aside from offering a mouth-watering array of food and drink, the HAT Tavern plans to be a good neighbor by reaching out to the community in two distinct ways. The first is the HAT Tavern Gallery. According to the restaurant’s website,  the Gallery, under the direction of Michael Tcheyan, will “provide the City of Summit a professionally lighted and maintained exhibition venue of world class paintings for city residents and visitors to enjoy” and “provide the  Summit High School art department with a venue to discuss and learn about professional artists.”  Tcheyan is currently serving as a member of the Mayor’s Partnership for the Arts in Summit, and his bio can be found at www.hattavern.com/art.html. The second is the restaurant’s commitment to green initiatives and sustainability through programs of recycling, water and energy conservation, food composting , utilizing local vendors for fresh food, and donations of food to those in need.

For a complete menu, information about upcoming events, news about the HAT Tavern’s Art Gallery, and the unique perspective regarding sustainability being implemented by both the restaurant and the hotel, visit www.hattavern.com.

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