Posts Tagged ‘Presidents Day’

Just Another Ordinary Day

February 15, 2010

Today is President’s Day–a day where banks and post offices are closed, the weekend is extended, and most likely, unless they are making up a snow day, children are home from school.  In my experience, the day-off goes something like this…your child wakes up much too early (only wanting to sleep late on school days, of course); complains that “there is nothing good to eat for breakfast” because you have prepared something wonderful and home-cooked and they want hot fudge sundae Poptarts; and as the second hour of the vacation day begins, echoes of “I’m bored” begin to reverberate throughout the neighborhood!  Before you start fantasizing about the moment the little ones head back to the classroom, take a few minutes to watch this video.  It’s best-selling author Katrina Kenison reading to a group from her latest book “The Gift of an Ordinary Day”.  It’s a sweet reminder that amid all of the “special” days that we photograph and document in our children’s lives, it is the ordinary days and the everyday moments–the mess, the noise, the afternoons spent playing a board game, watching a movie, or walking in the snow–that we will miss when they grow up and move on. So dust off the Monopoly game or slip on the snow boots and enjoy your ordinary day.

Post your comments about how you spent your President’s Day weekend and your favorite “ordinary day” moment!