Posts Tagged ‘roots steakhouse’

Lois Schneider Realtor Hits the Bar!

July 14, 2010

No, we don’t mean gathering at Roots Steakhouse for a martini after a long day of real estate transactions. Instead, the ladies from LSR were invited to a sample session at The Bar Method of Summit, located on the second floor of 86 Summit Avenue.

Owners, Angie Comiteau and Jen Hedrick were excited to unveil their expanded space, which now includes a second studio. And as a special thank you to Cynthia Baker, a Lois Schneider Realtor Sales Associate, who is responsible for Angie and Jen meeting and eventually becoming business partners, a sample class was offered to the office. Regular clients, including Debbie Lupton and Maren Dinsmore, were thrilled to share their preferred workout method with first-timers like Susan Hunter, Vice President/Director of Sales and Marketing at Lois Schneider Realtor. Hunter was very impressed with the experience. “The studio on Summit Avenue is beautiful and pristine. Our instructors, Jen and Angie, challenged us to dig deep and get the most out of the hour we spent with them,” she said, “We left having had a great workout – and a lot of fun!”

Please contact  The Bar Method of Summit at 908.522.1550 or for detailed information about classes, schedules, prices and availability.

And now…about that drink at Roots….

*All photos courtesy of Angie Comiteau and Jen Hendrick of The Bar Method of Summit.