Posts Tagged ‘Snow’

Blizzard of 2010–The Morning After

February 11, 2010

For some in New Jersey, yesterday’s blizzard was the first big snowfall of 2010, and for some, it came quickly on the heels of a blizzard that landed just 5 days ago.  On Wednesday, streets were blanketed in the quiet stillness of a winter’s day, schools and offices were closed, and most of us just watched and waited to see exactly how much snow we would get and whether or not we would lose power.  Most in our area got about 15 inches, and compared to the record-breaking accumulations in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C., that seems like a lucky break!  More than 40 inches have fallen in the Philadelphia area in the last two weeks, almost 55 inches reported at Reagan International Airport, and over 72 inches on the ground in Baltimore this winter.  Although much in New Jersey is still closed, today we will begin the process of cleaning up and digging out.  Children will make their way to the sledding hills and grown-ups will try to make it to the office or the grocery store.  On your way out, stop and check on your neighbors–the elderly who may need help clearing the walks, the ill who may need medicine picked up from the pharmacy, the new mom who needs a few things from the grocery store.  And before we get back to “normal,” let’s take a moment to thank all of those who had to go out yesterday–the road workers, the emergency responders, police officers and fire fighters, doctors and nurses, and anyone else who works so hard to keep us moving and keep us safe.  We appreciate your service.

How did you spend your “snow day” yesterday?  What are your plans for today…staying in or going out? Send us your comments and let us know!