Posts Tagged ‘sustaining local economies’

Think Local First

June 16, 2011

The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the humidity is low…a perfect day to head outdoors and walk the town. And if you are strolling from local business to local business this afternoon, you are sure to notice posters, buttons, even gift tags branded with the clear reminder that local is where it’s at! Shop LOCAL, dine LOCAL, gift LOCAL, celebrate LOCAL, sustain LOCAL, grow LOCAL, connect LOCAL…the list goes on!

The City of Summit, in partnership with the Summit Environmental Commission, announced the “Think Local First” campaign earlier this Spring and held a great “Walk the Town Friday” event on June 3rd, where local merchants and business owners showed support for the campaign by offering specials, promos, gifts, and giveaways! Sustainable Jersey helped to fund the campaign with a small grant; and, thanks to residents Amy Cairns Harrison and Debra Trisler, promotional materials and a “Think Local First” toolkit were made available to local merchants.

The initiative is similar to the popular “3/50 Project” that reminds us that we can help sustain our local economies simply by spending $50 per month in 3 local businesses that we would hate to see disappear. Summit’s “Think Local First” campaign takes it one more step by asking residents to consider ALL local businesses first, before heading to the malls or the big box stores or the chain restaurants. We are blessed with local merchants that are our neighbors and friends, and that give back to our community not only with their tax dollars, but with the time and financial support that they donate to our schools, artistic endeavors, theatres, hospital, and non-profit and charitable organizations.

As an independent business with deep roots in Summit, Lois Schneider Realtor is committed to joining other local business owners in an effort to keep our town the vibrant, interesting, service-oriented and customer-friendly community that it has always been.

So, the next time you need to find the perfect outfit, meet friends for lunch, pick up some medication for a sick child, go on a dinner date, send your teenagers to the movies, sign up for an exercise class, celebrate with a special bottle of champagne, order wedding invitations, or choose a wonderful gift, won’t you please “Think Local First”?